Massage treatment for your well being at Melidoni X Villlage. Massage is perhaps one of the oldest healing traditions used by many ancient peoples including the Ancient Greeks to treat a variety of ailments.
Our therapists are highly educated and experienced, traveling around the world seeking for well-being approaches. Their viewpoint is completely holistic, focusing on mind-body philosophy at which the core of the treatment is soothing the stress that struggles our lives, so our system can once again find its balance.You will benefit from a variety of different types - oil massage , acupressure therapy or bowen technique to name a few. A massage table will provide a comfortable and stable surface for you to receive your treatment. All massages will be held at your Villa to offer you the maximum comfort during your vacation.
Each treatment is tailor made to your needs, to ensure that our therapists open every treatment with a short consultation talk. The arrangement of each treatment always varies according to what you need at a specific time.
And all these without leaving the comfort of your villa!
Massage treatment at Melidoni X Village, well being at your home away Location Melidoni Village, treatment will take place at your Villa Time 11:00 - 17:00 last treatment at 16:00 Day Friday Duration 60 min. treatment Cost 70.00EUR per treatment, 60.00EUR per follow-up therapy request your treatment here
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